Disclaimer and copyright notice 

Bouygues Construction has opened this website for the personal information of its users. The data presented on the site may not be used for any commercial purposes, even in part, without the prior written permission of Bouygues Construction. 
The presentation and content of this site shall, as a whole, constitute a proprietary work, protected under applicable intellectual property law. It may not be fully or partially reproduced and/or represented without the prior written permission of Bouygues Construction. 
The registered name of Bouygues Construction, the Bouygues Construction logo, the registered names of the subsidiaries of Bouygues Construction, the names and logos of their products as well as slogans are the property of Bouygues Construction and/or of its subsidiaries. Any reproduction, use and/or modification thereof without the prior written permission of Bouygues Construction may constitute infringement. Furthermore, Bouygues Construction shall in no way be rendered liable on such basis. 
Any drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and any other documents represented on this site are covered by industrial and/or intellectual property rights in the name of Bouygues Construction or its subsidiaries. On such basis, any full or partial reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and/or transformation, or any transfer to another site, is prohibited. 
Copies of the various legally-protected objects specified above shall be authorised for private purposes subject to the source being indicated. Any full or partial reproduction thereof without the prior written permission of Bouygues Construction is strictly prohibited. 
The pages of this site contain information and presentations of a purely general nature that may be modified at any time and without notice. Bouygues Constructionshall not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any private or professional use thereof. 
Bouygues Construction cannot warrant the accuracy, precision or exhaustiveness of the information made available on this site. 
Accordingly, Bouygues Construction accepts no liability for: 
any lack of precision, inaccuracy or omission in the information to be found on this site; 
any direct and/or indirect damage, regardless of cause, origin, nature or consequences, that may arise as a result of anyone accessing or failing to access this site, as well as from any use of this site and/or of any credit given to information emanating directly or indirectly from this site; 
any use that may be made of the various information specified above. 

Publicorp 12 rue Rosenwald 75015 Paris- France Tél. : (0)1 55 76 11 11 
Bouygues Construction S.A. au capital de 127 967 250 euros 1, avenue Eugène Freyssinet – 78280 Guyancourt  Tél. : +33 (0)1 30 60 33 00. Fax : +33 (0)1 30 60 48 61 552 045 999 R.C.S. Versailles - I.E. FR 70 552 045 999  Director of Publication : Clotilde LEWDEN

Data Protection and Freedom of Information / Personal data 
This site has been declared, in connection with the automated processing of personal data through websites, to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), under the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (no. 78-17). 
Bouygues Construction uses questionnaires to collect information from visitors to this website submitting job applications. Such information is limited to that required for processing the application (name, address, telephone, e-mail, training, experience, etc.). The information is transferred only to those HR staff members who manage the job applications. Use of your personal details is limited strictly to Bouygues Construction. Please note that a navigation monitoring application may be used during visits to the Bouygues Construction website careers.bouygues-construction.com. You may at any time exercise your right of access, modification, rectification and deletion with respect to any data concerning you (under Article 34 of the French Data Protection Act). For such purpose please write:   
by letter, to:  
Bouygues Construction - Human Resources Department, Contact CNIL, Challenger 1 avenue Eugène Freyssinet, 78065 St Quentin-en-Yvelines, France.